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0/2 - Computer Skills: Files and Folders, the Keyboard
1. Introduction (10 mins)
2. Introduction to desktop (10 mins)
3. Students practise with files and folders (30 mins)
4. Students practise with the keyboard (30 mins)
5. Introduction to MS Word (10 mins)
6. Students practise typing (20 mins)
7. Conclusion and homework (10 mins)



(10 mins)

To give an overview of all things we are going to learn today

Give the students an overview to by telling them the following: in this lesson, we will learn about the basics of the computer. At the end of the lesson, we will understand the importance of saving documents and organizing saved files into folders. In this lesson, we will do exercises in making folders, making and saving an MS Word file and opening documents. You will also learn to use the keyboard for typing letters.

Ask students about their experiences with the homework exercises:
do students have any questions about the handout on the history of the computer?
did all students write down their names and wishes?
did all students draw the computer?


Introduction to desktop (10 mins)

Students familiarize themselves with the computer and have a basic idea of how it works
Students are able to work with the computer, using the desktop

Explain to students how a computer works by showing them its different parts: hardware, programs, windows, icons, folders and files, using the 'desktop introduction'. <See Tools> It is recommended to have the students gather around you and the computer in a circle. Perhaps the inner circle can stand on the floor and the outer circle on chairs.


Students practise with files and folders (30 mins)

Students are introduced to files and folders and are given scope to experiment with WINDOWS.
Students familiarize themselves with naming and saving files and folders.

Give the students the two exercises; print one for every two students. <See Tools> Students work in pairs behind the computer, but remember: each student should make his/her own files and folders. Prepare this exercise by making a folder labelled 'studentfolders' in the root of the 'My_documents' folder. This is where the students have to save their own folders.

Students practise with the keyboard (30 mins)

Students are able to use the keyboard and to type and use special keys


Give a short introduction to the keyboard by showing briefly how it works.

There is a series of games and practical tools available to exercise typing and keyboard skills. Students can work on the following:
play the music game with keyboard and mouse, learning how to use mouse and keyboard
play Pac Man for arrow key exercises


Introduction to MS Word (10 mins)

Students are able to start in MS Word to practise typing

Tell the students how to start MS Word and how to save results. In the next lesson, MS Word will be explained in greater detail.


Students practise typing (20 mins)

Students gain experience in typing

Instruct students to practise typing as follows:

Find the MS Word file you made during the last exercise (you probably named it 'friends' and put it in your own folder; start looking in <my document>).

Open the file and start typing extra information; with each name, specify how this person relates to you (for example, brother, best friend, girlfriend, neighbour, etc.).

Save the file again in your personal folder with an appropriate name (for example, friend 2).



Conclusion and homework
Lead a discussion with the students about the issues covered in this lesson.

Questions you can use:
why are files organized into folders?
who can tell were the following keys are on the keyboard:
1. space-bar
2. the numbers (two different sections!)
3. tab
4. backspace
5. delete
6. CTRL (control)
7. >
8. +
9. ?

Tell the students to read the handouts. Tell them the following: as you will have noticed during the exercises, there are many keys on the keyboard and sometimes it is hard to find the one you are looking for. In the handout for next lesson, there is a printed version of a keyboard. Take this keyboard home with you, find the keys you have already used during the exercises and locate the following keys:
Spacebar, Tab, Backspace, Caps lock, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Insert and Delete.
Practise typing your name and other simple things.

If you have extra time, play Music Mixer or Pac Man.