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0/1 - Computer Skills: Computer Components and Mouse
In this lesson, students learn about the computer, its main components and how these components are connected. The use of one of the components, the mouse, will be the focus of this lesson.

Students can:

explain the purpose of the computer skills pre-course
describe the background and basic information from the other students and the trainers
explain what the course entails and what they will be able to do in five lessons
explain what will be expected from them during the course
describe the four main components of a computer (monitor, computer, keyboard, mouse)
explain how to start working with a computer

argue that they appreciate participating in The World Starts With Me
argue that they perceive the course setting as a safe and confident environment
show they are convinced that the computer can be a new useful tool in their lives

demonstrate how to turn the computer on and off
demonstrate how to connect and disconnect the power cables
demonstrate how to connect the mouse and the keyboard to the computer
demonstrate three ways of using the mouse (pointing, clicking and dragging)