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0/3 - Computer Skills: MS Word
In this lesson, students learn to work with MS Word. So far, they have used MS Word for typing and saving. The aim of this lesson is that students get to know MS Word well enough to learn more about the program by themselves.

Students can:

explain some functions of MS Word
describe and explain the use of the 'Title Bar', 'Menu Bar' and 'Toolbars'
explain that it is important to save a document regularly
explain what a 'cursor' is and its function in an MS Word document

give instructions how to start MS Word and to create a new document
demonstrate how to use and exit MS Word
demonstrate how to use the various bars in MS Word (toolbars, menu bar, title bar)
demonstrate how to type in MS Word (capitals, small letters, numbers, letters and symbols, white lines, line
breaks, tabs)
demonstrate how to make letters bold, italic, underlined, coloured, in a particular font
demonstrate how to correct their text (backspace, delete, undo, redo, insert, cut and paste)
demonstrate how to save documents (save, save as, make folder plus give a logical name)
demonstrate how to insert a table and adjust it