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0/4 - Computer Skills: Digital Camera
In this lesson, students learn to work with the digital camera, take photos, download them on the computer and insert the photos in MS Word.

Students can:

explain the advantages of using pictures/photos in communication
explain how to use a digital camera
explain that 'the moment makes the photo' and that the message that will be conveyed by a photograph is influenced
by many factors like light, composition, form, background
explain the effect of zooming in and zooming out on the composition
explain some possibilities of the computer to manipulate the picture
emphasize the use of images as a way to communicate ('one image can say more than a thousand words')

demonstrate how to take a picture with a digital camera, using zooming and selecting relevant factors like light,
composition, form, and background
demonstrate how to download, save, name or rename and store pictures in the right folder on the computer
demonstrate how to adjust and resize a photo in MS Paint and save their photo with a specific file format - jpg
demonstrate how to insert images in an MS Word file or document

demonstrate how to insert a 'speech-bubble' in a document with a picture
give instructions how to use the MS Paint program to adapt or resize a picture
demonstrate experimentation with the layout of MS Word documents