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0/2 - Computer Skills: Files and Folders, the Keyboard
In this lesson, students are introduced to naming and saving files and folders. They will also familiarize themselves with the keyboard and get some practice in typing. It is a full schedule with a lot of essential elements. All the PC skills that are introduced in this lesson will be repeated in some of the other lessons.

Students can:

explain the basics of a computer's Operation Systems: WINDOWS
explain the four elements of a computer and their function
list the desktop elements and its functions
explain the difference between a file and a folder
explain why files are organized into folders
explain how to use the keyboard, the keyboard layout and the basics of typing
explain the functions of the special keys (alt, control, shift, arrow keys, tab)

demonstrate how to save, name, rename, delete, and find files and folders in 'My Documents'
demonstrate how to use the keyboard and demonstrate typing (also 'special keys')
give instructions how to use the 'special keys'
give instructions how to make a new file in MS Word, type short sentences, save the file, give it an appropriate name
and find the file in the folder