Association for the Promotion of the Status of Women

under the Royal Patronage of HRH Princess Soamsawali Krom Muen Suddhanarinatha

"Indicator of civilized Society is THE STATUS OF WOMEN"


APSW and the Creating a Loving Bond Project

Empowermentis necessary but not sufficient

APSW and Social Issues

Fund raising/Donations

Assistance and Support

Activities/Special Project
Emergency HomeWomen 's Education training

handicraft from women education and training center

Research Institute (GDRI)

Wetrain Intenational House

Nun's Collage

Annual Report 2006
Important events
Women's Articles
Photo VoiceProject
NGO Experiences :
Fighting Violence against Women

APSW services : 2011 Statistics

Emergency Home
Assistance is provided to women and children who are victims of:
forced prostitution
Physical and emotional abuse

  • Temporary food, shelter, healthcare, physical and psychological rehabilitation
    • Education, vocational and life skills training
    • Hotline counseling services

On average there are 120 women and children sheltered at the Emergency Home each day.

The Emergency Home has provided assistance to more than 48,000 women and children who come from all parts of the country

Women with unwanted pregnancy are offered

Healthcare through collaboration with state hospitals
Provision of other-child/ pre and post natal care/ vocational and life skill training
Caring for the babies during the first six months while the mother job searches
For mothers under 18 years of age, continued education is arranged

HIV/AIDS assistance Capacity for assistance: 25 Women

Services to HIV/AIDS victims include:
Rehabilitation and health care services
Provision of anti-retroviral medication
Vocational and life skills training

Children’s Home and Nursery

Provides a safe and caring environment for victims of abuse and abandonment

The Children’s home

Cares for the children of mothers sheltered at the emergency home
Provides care for abandoned Children

The Nursery:

? Provides care for infants as requested by the mother
Provides care for infants awaiting adoption

Jimmy – Rosalyn Women’s Clinic
The Women’s Clinic takes care of expectant mothers throughout their unplanned pregnancies
The most common unplanned pregnancies are caused by either abandonment by their partner or rape by close acquaintances.

Kanitnaree Rape Crisis Center
Provides sensitive care and assistance to rape victims
Medical examination room fully equipped to collect evidence of sexual abuse
Investigation room, outfitted with one way mirror, closed circuit cameras and video recording equipment.

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