APSW Services : Statistics for 2009
1,938 Women and children seeking help from the Emergency Home
Among these,
490 sought shelter and assistance
49 received counseling (non residential)
1,479 Women received hotline counseling
(On any given day on average, there are
140 Women and children sheltered at the Emergency Home )
115 Infants taken care at the Nursery during the year
80 Children receiving care from the Children’s home
(20 Average number of children at the Children’s home each day)
16 Vocational skills training courses offered
698 Women in cluding people from the community participating in the training
100 Secondary schools in Bangkok started implementing the computer-based
sex education program - The World Starts with Me
5,461 Interested persons/ groups visited APSW during the year
274 Students, undergraduate and graduate level, from different universities underwent practical training at the Emergency Home
3 Swedish and 3 Norwegian students volunteered and underwent training at the Emergency Home
9 volunteers, 3 Thai and 6 volunteers worked at the Emergency Home
Over 400 Donation boxes placed at various places in BKK
including all Watson branches
120$ Average cost for providing one child per month
150$ Average cost of one women per month
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Rape Crisis Center
Tel. 00 662 929-2222
report on clients during August 1980 – August 2009
for Women and Chirldren