Wanyange Girls Sch 2003


Kashaka Daisy
Nakku Shaminah
Naluyange Mariah
Twikirize Sharon
Namyalo Cate
Aine Cindrella
Kwokwijjuka Gloria
Mutenyo Anna
Katorogo Sylivia
Nakiboneka Dridah


Kasowole Everlyn
Nabachwa Ritah
Mukite Shirley
Kayonga Chantal
Musenero Leah
Lanyero Juliet
Nakafero Milly
Lunkuse Sarah F
Kabareebe Doreen
Mwebaza Peninah


Nansikombi Esther
Acham Miriam
Mubiike Agnes
Habejja Patience

Mr Henry Naabye
Mr Bright Kigozi
Ms. Namasaba Miriam
Ms. Kayeyera Christine

peer book
@ exhibition

About our school

Our school is an entirely boarding girls' secondary school found in the Eastern region of Uganda located on the Nyange hill with a population of 850 students.
Sexual Reproductive health program was warmly welcomed at our school by both the administration | teachers and students and we are proud to be part of the program that we piloted.
Students were very positive to the program and are very eager to see it introduced to a wider curriculum
We took on 24 students for the pilot project and ope to take on more when the course is introduced on  wider scale.
strike a pose
my work

About the lessons

Lessons were very interactive and the participants liked them, they involved many things like role play that kept the students active all through, they had pictures which enabled the massages to be potrayed with ease.
They were made in form of slides and each lesson had quite a good number of slides and some could be introduced with sounds that made it even more interesting|interactive
A lot of exercises were provided at the end of each of the lessons which had to be done, this ensured that at least the students mastered what they learnt in each of the lessons.

post cards
my family portrait!

What we learnt and find important:

The program was such an educative one with quite a lot of knowledge and lige skills from each of the lessons and these can be got from each lessons evaluation but just an over view of that would be,
How should  the adoloscents behave so as to be able to go through that trying age successfuly by providing life skills and bringing out facts that many would have feared to talk about may be with parents or with friends. 
Generally it was a source of knowledge to many of the students, some had never heard about many things that are presented  in the course. or some heard but could not trust some of the things that they came accross so there was learning of facts and mynths eg. in the pregnancy when? lesson
It breaks a communication barrier for the youth in their quest for knowledge that enables them to go throught such stages safely